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- Title: Hire Smart: A Comparative Analysis on Hiring Erasmus Interns vs. Local Workforce in the Mediterranean
Authors: Peter Holicza, Judit Pasztor
Publication date: May 26, 2016
Language: English
- Title: Mobility from the students’ perspective
Author: Peter Holicza
Publication date: Apr 17, 2016
Language: English
- Title: Innovation potential of Hungarian young adults
Author: Peter Holicza
Publication date: Apr 17, 2016
Language: English
- Title: The Higher Educational Motivation of Secondary School Students and its Effects on the Hungarian Labour Market
Author: Peter Holicza
Publication date: Dec 03, 2015
Language: English
- Title: Innovation potential of Russian and Hungarian young adults
Authors: Ksenia Baimakova, Peter Holicza
Publication date: Oct 05, 2015
Language: English
- Title: Study, design, planning process and manufacturing of a polyvalent bowsprit
Author: Daniel Sanz Alonso
Publication date: Jan 12, 2015
Language: English
- Title: I am a Hungarian person from Europe, from a European Hungary
Author: Patrik Matyas
Publication date:
Language: Hungarian
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